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October 3, 2024: Our site is currently undergoing some updates.  Certain articles below may be temporarily unavailable.  

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Ten-Year Survivorship and Patient Satisfaction Following Robotic-Arm-Assisted Medial Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty: A Prospective Multicenter Study

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Robotic-arm-assisted lateral unicompartmental knee arthroplasty leads to high implant survival and patient satisfaction at mean 10-year follow-up

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Mid-term survivorship and patient-reported outcomes of robotic-arm assisted partial knee arthroplasty

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Preservation of prearthritic coronal knee phenotype and prearthritic coronal alignment yielded improved Kujala scores following ligament-guided medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty

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The Influence of Preoperative Radiographic Patellofemoral Degenerative Changes and Malalignment on Patellofemoral-Specific Outcome Scores Following Fixed-Bearing Medial Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty

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Read articles on Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine, Arthroscopic and Robotic Surgery featuring Dr. Pearle, established colleagues, latest news sites, and more.  

Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty Patients Had Lower Joint Awareness and Higher Function Compared Total Knee Replacements: A Matched Comparison

Brilliant Z, Garvey M, BS, Haffner R, Chiu Y, Bostrom M, Haas S, Sculco S, Jerabek S, Mayman D, Blevins J, PEARLE AD

Ten-Year Survivorship and Patient Satisfaction of Robotic-Assisted Medial Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty: A Prospective Multicenter Study

Bayoumi T, Kleeblad L, Coon T, Borus T, Nguyen J, PEARLE AD

What is the impact of patellofemoral joint degeneration and malalignment on patient-reported outcomes after lateral unicompartmental knee arthroplasty?

Burger J, Dooley M, Kleeblad LJ, Zuiderbaan HA, PEARLE AD

Postoperative outcomes of total knee arthroplasty compared to unicompartmental knee arthroplasty: A matched comparison

Satisfaction with return to sports after unicompartmental knee arthroplasty and what type of sports are patients doing

Kleeblad LJ, Strickland SM, Nwachukwu BU, Kerkhoffs GMMJ, Pearle AD.

Mid-term survivorship and patient-reported outcomes of robotic-arm assisted partial knee arthroplasty

Burger JA, Kleeblad LJ, Laas N, Pearle AD

The Influence of Preoperative Radiographic Patellofemoral Degenerative Changes and Malalignment on Patellofemoral-Specific Outcome Scores Following Fixed-Bearing Medial Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty

Burger JA, Kleeblad LJ, Laas N, Pearle AD.

Distal Femoral Rotation is not Associated With Preoperative Proximal Tibial Varus Angle in Patients With Isolated Medial Compartment Osteoarthritis.

Conti MS, Kleeblad LJ, Jones CW, Pearle AD, Sculco PK.

Neither Anterior nor Posterior Referencing Consistently Balances the Flexion Gap in Measured Resection Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Computational Analysis

Elmasry SS, Imhauser CW, Wright TM, Pearle AD, Cross MB, Mayman DJ, Westrich GH, Sculco PK.

J Arthroplasty. 

How a Leading Orthopedic Surgeon is Trying to Prevent ACL Injuries

Andrew D. Pearle, MD, a leading orthopedic surgeon at HSS discusses the increase in ACL injuries among teenage athletes and how they can be prevented

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The anterolateral complex of the knee: results from the International ALC Consensus Group Meeting

Getgood A, Brown C, Lording T, Amis A, Claes S, Geeslin A, Musahl V; ALC Consensus Group.

Automated, accurate, and three-dimensional method for calculating sagittal slope of the tibial plateau

Amirtharaj MJ, Hardy BM, Kent RN 3rd, Nawabi DH, Wickiewicz TL, Pearle AD, Imhauser CW.

MRI Findings at the Bone-Component Interface in Symptomatic Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty and the Relationship to Radiographic Findings

Kleeblad LJ, Zuiderbaan HA, Burge AJ, Amirtharaj MJ, Potter HG, Pearle AD.

Robotic-Assisted Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty: State-of-the Art and Review of the Literature

Christ AB, Pearle AD, Mayman DJ, Haas SB.

Anterior laxity, lateral tibial slope, and in situ ACL force differentiate knees exhibiting distinct patterns of motion during a pivoting event: A human cadaveric study

Kent RN 3rd, Amirtharaj MJ, Hardy BM, Pearle AD, Wickiewicz TL, Imhauser CW.

Summative Report on Time Out of Play for Major and Minor League Baseball: An Analysis of 49,955 Injuries From 2011 Through 2016.

Camp CL, Dines JS, van der List JP, Conte S, Conway J, Altchek DW, Coleman SH, Pearle AD.

Midterm Survivorship and Patient Satisfaction of Robotic-Arm-Assisted Medial Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty: A Multicenter Study

Kleeblad LJ, Borus TA, Coon TM, Dounchis J, Nguyen JT, PEARLE AD.

Thousands missing out on safer knee replacements, say experts

Henry Bodkin

Femoral Component External Rotation Affects Knee Biomechanics: A Computational Model of Posterior-stabilized TKA

Kia M, Wright TM, Cross MB, Mayman DJ, Pearle AD, Sculco PK, Westrich GH, Imhauser CW.

Fixed-bearing Medial Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty Restores Neither the Medial Pivoting Behavior Nor the Ligament Forces of the Intact Knee in Passive Flexion

Kia M, Warth LC, Lipman JD, Wright TM, Westrich GH, Cross MB, Mayman DJ, Pearle AD, Imhauser CW

Larger range of motion and increased return to activity, but higher revision rates following unicompartmental versus total knee arthroplasty in patients under 65: a systematic review

Kleeblad LJ, van der List JP, Zuiderbaan HA, Pearle AD

Regional Femoral and Tibial Radiolucency in Cemented Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty and the Relationship to Functional Outcomes

Kleeblad LJ, van der List JP, Zuiderbaan HA, Pearle AD.

Mid-Term Outcomes of Metal-Backed Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty Show Superiority to All-Polyethylene Unicompartmental and Total Knee Arthroplasty

van der List JP, Kleeblad LJ, Zuiderbaan HA, Pearle AD.

New parameters describing how knee ligaments carry force in situ predict interspecimen variations in laxity during simulated clinical exams

Imhauser CW, Kent RN 3rd, Boorman-Padgett J, Thein R, Wickiewicz TL, Pearle AD

Predicting the Feasibility of Correcting Mechanical Axis in Large Varus Deformities With Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty

Kleeblad LJ, van der List JP, Pearle AD, Fragomen AT, Rozbruch SR.

Passive Anterior Tibial Subluxation in the Setting of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries: A Comparative Analysis of Ligament-Deficient States

McDonald LS, van der List JP, Jones KJ, Zuiderbaan HA, Nguyen JT, Potter HG, Pearle AD

Outcomes of cementless unicompartmental and total knee arthroplasty: A systematic review

van der List JP, Sheng DL, Kleeblad LJ, Chawla H, Pearle AD

High Interspecimen Variability in Engagement of the Anterolateral Ligament: An In Vitro Cadaveric Study

Kent RN 3rd, Boorman-Padgett JF, Thein R, van der List JP, Nawabi DH, Wickiewicz TL, Imhauser CW, Pearle AD.

Nonunion After Clavicle Osteosynthesis: High Incidence of Propionibacterium acnes

Gausden EB, Villa J, Warner SJ, Redko M, Pearle A, Miller A, Henry M, Lorich DG, Helfet DL, Wellman DS

Systematic Review of Outcomes Reporting in Professional Baseball: A Call for Increased Validation and Consistency

Van der List JP, Camp CL, Sinatro AL, Dines JS, Pearle AD

Annual revision rates of partial versus total knee arthroplasty: A comparative meta-analysis

Chawla H, van der List JP, Christ AB, Sobrero MR, Zuiderbaan HA, Pearle AD

Survivorship and patient satisfaction of robotic-assisted medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty at a minimum two-year follow-up

Pearle AD, van der List JP, Lee L, Coon TM, Borus TA, Roche MW

Deep Venous Thrombosis Prophylaxis After Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty: A Prospective Study on the Safety of Aspirin

Schmidt-Braekling T, Pearle AD, Mayman DJ, Westrich GH, Waldstein W, Boettner F

Why Do Lateral Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasties Fail Today?

van der List JP, Zuiderbaan HA, Pearle AD

ACL Deficiency Increases Forces on the Medial Femoral Condyle and the Lateral Meniscus with Applied Rotatory Loads

McDonald LS, Boorman-Padgett J, Kent R, Stone K, Wickiewicz TL, Pearle AD, Imhauser CW

Different optimal alignment but equivalent functional outcomes in medial and lateral unicompartmental knee arthroplasty

van der List JP, Chawla H, Villa JC, Pearle AD

Current state of computer navigation and robotics in unicompartmental and total knee arthroplasty: a systematic review with meta-analysis

van der List JP, Chawla H, Joskowicz L, Pearle AD

The Role of Preoperative Patient Characteristics on Outcomes of Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty: A Meta-Analysis Critique

van der List JP, Chawla H, Zuiderbaan HA, Pearle AD

Modern Indications, Results, and Global Trends in the Use of Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty and High Tibial Osteotomy in the Treatment of Isolated Medial Compartment Osteoarthritis

Zuiderbaan HA, van der List JP, Kleeblad LJ, Appelboom P, Kort NP, Pearle AD, Rademakers MV

Establishing Age-Specific Cost-Effective Annual Revision Rates for Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty: A Meta-Analysis

Chawla H, Ghomrawi HM, van der List JP, Eggman AA, Zuiderbaan HA, Pearle AD

The Role of Patient Characteristics on the Choice of Unicompartmental versus Total Knee Arthroplasty in Patients With Medial Osteoarthritis

van der List JP, Chawla H, Villa JC, Pearle AD

Comparison of Lateral Closing-Wedge Versus Medial Opening-Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy on Knee Joint Alignment and Kinematics in the ACL-Deficient Knee

Ranawat AS, Nwachukwu BU, Pearle AD, Zuiderbaan HA, Weeks KD, Khamaisy S

ACL Fibers Near the Lateral Intercondylar Ridge Are the Most Load Bearing During Stability Examinations and Isometric Through Passive Flexion

Nawabi DH, Tucker S, Schafer KA, Zuiderbaan HA, Nguyen JT, Wickiewicz TL, Imhauser CW, Pearle AD

Robotic-Assisted Knee Arthroplasty: An Overview

van der List JP, Chawla H, Pearle AD

Biomechanical Assessment of the Anterolateral Ligament of the Knee: A Secondary Restraint in Simulated Tests of the Pivot Shift and of Anterior Stability

Thein R, Boorman-Padgett J, Stone K, Wickiewicz TL, Imhauser CW, Pearle AD

The ACL Graft Has Different Cross-sectional Dimensions Compared With the Native ACL: Implications for Graft Impingement

Thein R, Spitzer E, Doyle J, Khamaisy S, Nawabi DH, Chawla H, Lipman JD, Pearle AD

Comparative Fixation and Subsidence Profiles of Cementless Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty Implants

Yildirim G, Gopalakrishnan A, Davignon RA, Parker JW, Chawla H, Pearle AD

Medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty improves congruence and restores joint space width of the lateral compartment

Khamaisy S, Zuiderbaan HA, van der List JP, Nam D, Pearle AD

Predictors of Subjective Outcome After Medial Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty

Zuiderbaan HA, van der List JP, Chawla H, Khamaisy S, Thein R, Pearle AD

A Multibody Knee Model Corroborates Subject-Specific Experimental Measurements of Low Ligament Forces and Kinematic Coupling During Passive Flexion

Kia M, Schafer K, Lipman J, Cross M, Mayman D, Pearle A, Wickiewicz T, Imhauser C

Primary and coupled motions of the native knee in response to applied varus and valgus load

Gladnick BP, Boorman-Padgett J, Stone K, Kent RN 3rd, Cross MB, Mayman DJ, Pearle AD, Imhauser CW

Barbed Suture Is Associated With Increased Risk of Wound Infection After Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty

Chawla H, van der List JP, Fein NB, Henry MW, Pearle AD

Distribution of Force in the Medial Collateral Ligament Complex During Simulated Clinical Tests of Knee Stability

Schafer KA, Tucker S, Griffith T, Sheikh S, Wickiewicz TL, Nawabi DH, Imhauser CW, Pearle AD

Why Do Medial Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasties Fail Today?

van der List JP, Zuiderbaan HA, Pearle AD

Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty versus total knee arthroplasty: Which type of artificial joint do patients forget?

Zuiderbaan HA, van der List JP, Khamaisy S, Nawabi DH, Thein R, Ishmael C, Paul S, Pearle AD

Medial Subluxation of the Tibia After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture as Revealed by Standing Radiographs and Comparison With a Cadaveric Model

Thein R, Boorman-Padgett J, Khamaisy S, Zuiderbaan HA, Wickiewicz TL, Imhauser CW, Pearle AD

Coronal tibiofemoral subluxation in knee osteoarthritis

Khamaisy S, Zuiderbaan HA, Thein R, Gladnick BP, Pearle AD

Medial Unicondylar Knee Arthroplasty Improves Patellofemoral Congruence: a Possible Mechanistic Explanation for Poor Association Between Patellofemoral Degeneration and Clinical Outcome

Thein R, Zuiderbaan HA, Khamaisy S, Nawabi DH, Poultsides LA, Pearle AD

Open Versus Arthroscopic Mosaicplasty of the Knee: A Cadaveric Assessment of Accuracy of Graft Placement Using Navigation

Koulalis D, Stavropoulos NA, Citak M, Di Benedetto P, O'Loughlin P, Pearle AD, Kendoff D.

Role of magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of the painful unicompartmental knee arthroplasty

Park CN, Zuiderbaan HA, Chang A, Khamaisy S, Pearle AD, Ranawat AS.

Lower limb alignment control: is it more challenging in lateral compared to medial unicondylar knee arthroplasty?

Khamaisy S, Gladnick BP, Nam D, Reinhardt KR, Heyse TJ, Pearle AD.

Systematic review of medial versus lateral survivorship in unicompartmental knee arthroplasty.

van der List JP, McDonald LS, Pearle AD

Effect of age on cost-effectiveness of unicompartmental knee arthroplasty compared with total knee arthroplasty in the U.S.

Ghomrawi HM, Eggman AA, Pearle AD.

Onlay tibial implants appear to provide superior clinical results in robotic unicompartmental knee arthroplasty

Gladnick BP, Nam D, Khamaisy S, Paul S, Pearle AD

Return to play after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in major league baseball athletes.

Fabricant PD, Chin CS, Conte S, Coleman SH, Pearle AD, Dines JS.

Diagnostic glenohumeral arthroscopy fails to fully evaluate the biceps-labral complex.

Taylor SA, Khair MM, Gulotta LV, Pearle AD, Baret NJ, Newman AM, Dy CJ, O'Brien SJ.

Lateral robotic unicompartmental knee arthroplasty.

Thein R, Khamaisy S, Zuiderbaan HA, Nawabi DH, Pearle AD.

Notchplasty in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in the setting of passive anterior tibial subluxation.

Zuiderbaan HA, Khamaisy S, Nawabi DH, Thein R, Nguyen JT, Lipman JD, Pearle AD.

Coronal tibiofemoral subluxation: a new measurement method.

Khamaisy S, Zuiderbaan HA, Thein R, Nawabi DH, Joskowicz L, Pearle AD.

Limb alignment, subluxation, and bone density relationship in the osteoarthritic varus knee.

Khamaisy S, Nam D, Thein R, Rivkin G, Liebergall M, Pearle A.

Passive anterior tibial subluxation in anterior cruciate ligament-deficient knees.

Tanaka MJ, Jones KJ, Gargiulo AM, Delos D, Wickiewicz TL, Potter HG, Pearle AD.

Characterization of the orientation and isometry of Humphrey's ligament.

Cross MB, Raphael BS, Maak TG, Plaskos C, Egidy CC, Pearle AD.

Is tibiofemoral subluxation correctable in unicompartmental knee arthroplasty?

Nam D, Khamaisy S, Gladnick BP, Paul S, Pearle AD.

Reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament in the skeletally immature athlete: a review of current concepts: AAOS exhibit selection.

Fabricant PD, Jones KJ, Delos D, Cordasco FA, Marx RG, Pearle AD, Warren RF, Green DW.

Does the type of tibial component affect mechanical alignment in unicompartmental knee replacement?

Suero EM, Citak M, Njoku IU, Pearle AD.

The effect of lateral opening wedge distal femoral osteotomy on medial knee opening: clinical and biomechanical factors.

Hetsroni I, Lyman S, Pearle AD, Marx RG.

Patient specific cutting guides versus an imageless, computer-assisted surgery system in total knee arthroplasty.

Nam D, Maher PA, Rebolledo BJ, Nawabi DH, McLawhorn AS, Pearle AD.

Surgical technique: Computer-generated custom jigs improve accuracy of wide resection of bone tumors.

Khan FA, Lipman JD, Pearle AD, Boland PJ, Healey JH.

Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty: is robotic technology more accurate than conventional technique?

Citak M, Suero EM, Citak M, Dunbar NJ, Branch SH, Conditt MA, Banks SA, Pearle AD.

The role of the iliotibial band during the pivot shift test.

Suero EM, Njoku IU, Voigt MR, Lin J, Koenig D, Pearle AD.

Patient-specific instrumentation in total knee arthroplasty: a review.

Nam D, McArthur BA, Cross MB, Pearle AD, Mayman DJ, Haas SB.

Use of a custom alignment guide to improve glenoid component position in total shoulder arthroplasty.

Suero EM, Citak M, Lo D, Krych AJ, Craig EV, Pearle AD.

Haptic robot-assisted surgery improves accuracy of wide resection of bone tumors: a pilot study.

Khan F, Pearle A, Lightcap C, Boland PJ, Healey JH.


Andrew D. Pearle M.D

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Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon & Sports Medicine Physician

New York NY

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